Associate Machine Learning Scientist at Wadhwani AI
 MS CS from UMass Amherst, BE IT from GCET
    Previous internships: UMass Center for Data Science, Wadhwani AI, I3D Lab (IISc Bangalore)

Siddhi Brahmbhatt

I'm a Machine Learning (ML) Scientist at Wadhwani AI, where I am engaged in developing and implementing ML solutions for pest detection and management within the agriculture sector. I have a Masters degree from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where I undertook rigorous ML/CV coursework.

I am very interested in machine learning (ML) research, and in research that involves creating novel datasets and applying ML algorithms to solve real‑world problems. I am specifically interested in working on Computer Vision based AI projects to empower visually impaired or disabled people, or the projects addressing some immediate real‑world problems.

Major projects:

Road Crossing Assistant to aid blind people cross busy Indian roads (Funded by Govt. of Gujarat under SSIP)
I2DNet: Design and real-time evaluation of an appearance-based gaze estimation system (Collaboration with I3D Lab, IISc Bangalore)